Thursday, March 9, 2023

Educational Blogging

Educational blogging is a form of online writing that allows students to expand on their own knowledge, while also recognizing their peers point of view. As for instructors, "Blogs can be used for their own professional development. It promotes the exchange of their teaching experiences or ideas for transforming education". Along with this, they are "able to share where to find free software and educational tools". Overall, educational blogging has its benefits for everyone involved. 

It's a great tool to use for positive feedback and
the expression of ideas. 
The first blog I decided to view from my peers, was written by Kate, about why some children act out in the classroom setting. The topic of this blog really intrigued me and I was very interested to learn more about it. She discusses how important it is to try and understand the deeper issues that may be going on with students that can cause this kind of behavior. Becoming frustrated with those acting out can be quite easy, however treating them with empathy and compassion is necessary in order to create a connection at first. Next I looked into Brooke's blog, which discussed the prevalence of cyberbullying in today's society. She made the statement that, "It is easier for people to quickly comment on a social media post, or make fake accounts while they hide behind a screen. Directly saying something to a person can be hard to do, especially since a good amount of communication is done through technology too". I really agreed with this point and the duration of her writing. Lastly, I chose to view Bailey's discussion on classroom management, because this was one of the topics I considered writing about myself. She discusses how students are better off learning in a classroom where teachers always have a plan, cater to their needs, and make sure to give clear instructions. I like that she recognizes just how important classroom management can be in the learning environment. 

I've had a positive experience with blogging so far! I enjoy the ability to express my own ideas and opinions, while also providing factual information for readers. I think blogging is a great tool to use with students because it promotes self-expression and creativity, while encouraging an open connection between everyone. 

Thursday, March 2, 2023

The Importance of School Safety

In society today, the violence taking place throughout the school setting has seemed to reach an all time high. This "violence" includes bullying, physical fighting, weapon use, and in extreme measures, school shootings. Since these acts have recently become so prevalent, students are beginning to believe it's a normal experience. However, this should never be the case. Every child should have the ability to learn in a safe and comfortable environment, without wondering what may put them in danger that day. The importance of school safety is a huge matter because it not only has affects on their education, but life outside of this setting as well. 

School violence can be prevented. 
In my opinion, there are many actions needed to be taken in order to make an impact on the amount of events taking place in school. Creating stricter policies can promote an increase in learning, student behavior/comfortability, and hopefully a major decrease in violence. The first step could simply be discussing with children how even in the society we are experiencing today, the things happening cannot and will not be considered a new normal. Addressing the warning signs that a student may be put in a dangerous situation, as well as efforts that can be taken to prevent them could even make a difference. Mental health experts and school counseling is another great way to connect with those who may be struggling. Social media has created a big impact here, and limiting its exposure to students may be helpful. Also, monitoring the amount of violence children are taking in on their screens during time outside of class, such as through video games or movies. Ensuring the safety of students in schools to promote healthy learning is extremely important and needs action now. 

Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Standardized Testing

The overall idea and purpose behind standardized testing is giving teachers and administration an annual review of how the education system is progressing. However, this topic has remained controversial ever since its use skyrocketed in the 2002 No Child Let Behind Act, which mandated for all 50 states to hold yearly testing. There are many pros and cons that follow these assessments, such as whether they conduct fair or unfair evaluations of teacher's work, are good or bad predictors of future success, and if they improve or do not improve student performance. These thoughts raise the question of how seriously should we be looking into these test scores to determine academic development. 

President George Bush signing the
No Child Left Behind Act
As a student, who completed almost every year of school being evaluated by standardized tests, such as the Tennessee Comprehensive Assessment Program (TCAP), ACT, SAT, and more, I do hold opinions on this topic. Some students, including myself, are simply just not the best test takers. Assessments, especially those covering a large, broad range of material, can cause lots of anxiety and unnecessary pressure. When applying to college, I was very proud of the grade point average I had earned throughout my high school career, yet my scores on the ACT and SAT did not correlate even remotely close to this number. I have always been a good student with a strong work ethic, but the stress tests like these brought me always hurt my scores. I believe many students can also relate to this ordeal. Although I believe there are positives to standardized testing, especially when used in broad circumstances, I do not think it should be the only representation used when evaluating academic growth and achievement.

Friday, February 17, 2023

The Ongoing Issue of Underpaid Teachers

Many recognize and do not deny the ongoing crisis involving teachers and their salaries, which has been occurring for quite a long time. Especially following the covid-19 pandemic, teacher turnover rates are at an all time-high due to them being overworked, yet extremely underpaid. Many have been forced to leave the career because they simply cannot support themselves, or those with families, with the salary they are making. This doesn't only just affect the teachers however, but also the school systems and every student in the classroom. School districts have unfortunately resorted to hiring unqualified instructors, tightening classrooms already at full capacity, and working longer overtime hours than ever before. In order for young learners today to become successful later on, well-trained and functional teachers are needed in the classroom. Raising teachers salary is important for everyone involved in the schools and one of the few ways to solve this immediate emergency.  

"Teachers in 1998 earned about 8 percent less than professionals with similar
education and experience. By 2015, teachers underearned their peers by 17 percent". 

Throughout my own experience in school as a student, while also being an elementary education major, it is very apparent how much time and effort teachers put into their careers. My classmates and I could always tell the difference between a teacher who was enthusiastic and wanted to be there compared to those who simply were struggling. These two types of teachers can really impact students, positively and negatively. I believe having a quality teacher is one of the biggest factors in student achievement. When school systems are having to resort to unqualified and overworked instructors, students also begin to suffer. The world's future doctor's, lawyers, scientists, etc. are all first prepared and educated by teachers. They make the largest impact on the younger generations future, yet are not making enough salary to even live a comfortable lifestyle. 

Educational Blogging

Educational blogging is a form of online writing that allows students to expand on their own knowledge, while also recognizing their peers p...