Friday, February 17, 2023

The Ongoing Issue of Underpaid Teachers

Many recognize and do not deny the ongoing crisis involving teachers and their salaries, which has been occurring for quite a long time. Especially following the covid-19 pandemic, teacher turnover rates are at an all time-high due to them being overworked, yet extremely underpaid. Many have been forced to leave the career because they simply cannot support themselves, or those with families, with the salary they are making. This doesn't only just affect the teachers however, but also the school systems and every student in the classroom. School districts have unfortunately resorted to hiring unqualified instructors, tightening classrooms already at full capacity, and working longer overtime hours than ever before. In order for young learners today to become successful later on, well-trained and functional teachers are needed in the classroom. Raising teachers salary is important for everyone involved in the schools and one of the few ways to solve this immediate emergency.  

"Teachers in 1998 earned about 8 percent less than professionals with similar
education and experience. By 2015, teachers underearned their peers by 17 percent". 

Throughout my own experience in school as a student, while also being an elementary education major, it is very apparent how much time and effort teachers put into their careers. My classmates and I could always tell the difference between a teacher who was enthusiastic and wanted to be there compared to those who simply were struggling. These two types of teachers can really impact students, positively and negatively. I believe having a quality teacher is one of the biggest factors in student achievement. When school systems are having to resort to unqualified and overworked instructors, students also begin to suffer. The world's future doctor's, lawyers, scientists, etc. are all first prepared and educated by teachers. They make the largest impact on the younger generations future, yet are not making enough salary to even live a comfortable lifestyle. 

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